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Can you imagine a place where you can be real – and still be loved and accepted?  Can you imagine a place where you can ask the tough questions about God and life and faith – and not just get some religions slogans as answers?  We can imagine that too — and that’s what we hope to be.


But, we live in a spiritual desert.  Everything that we experience throughout our day is designed to drain us and distract us from the things that are truly important in life.  It’s just about impossible to get real answers to real questions or encounter real faith without

tons of religion.


One time, Jesus encountered a thirsty woman in the desert and promised her that He could give her LIVING WATER – spiritual water that would cause her to never be thirsty again.  She was physically thirsty, but He recognized her biggest need was spiritual.  Real Life is designed to be an oasis – a place to come and drink your fill of that LIVING WATER, to ask your questions, and to encounter the real Jesus.


We gather as a whole campus on Thursdays at 8:08 pm in the Student Center (Room 2211) on WMU’s Campus. There’s usually some music, a talk about Jesus and His relevancy in our lives, students sharing about their spiritual journeys, and always some fun with really great people.  While on earth Jesus told us that He came to earth to give us a full and abundant life.  This life he offers is only found in what Jesus called the Kingdom of God.


It’s a safe place if you’re just checking Jesus out, or if you’ve been a Christian for a while, come meet Jesus in a fresh way and connect with other people

following Jesus.

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